5 Benefits to Inline Screen Printing

- Grab and Go Registration – Once your Screens is registered to your machine you can store it away and pull it out at your convince and get right to printing. This makes repeat customers or brand fulfillment a breeze by eliminating the need to re-register a job. That makes the tedious tasks of one off printing for replacements or reorders and restocking
- Unlimited Colors – Because each screen is grab and go your not limited to the number of colors you can print by the number of print heads you have or “have open.” Us screen printers know the need to pull up a job in the print queue to cut the line, but not wanting to unregister another job.
- Unlimited Simultaneous Projects – Grab and Go Registration mentioned earlier also allows you to be able to print multiple jobs simultaneously allowing your repeat customers to get in and out with the quickness and never interfering with that big multi-color job on press.
- Multi Operator Capabilities – Some traditional machines are made for all heads down printing but rarely is it used the work flow is a bit cramped to printing order on the same job. But with inline screen printing you can truly print without limits because you can assign all hands on deck a task and even print multiple jobs at once with no interference.
- Smaller Footprint – Inline screen printing is a very lean setup allowing you to make the most out of your floor space. Small space put your setup against a wall and limit its footprint and for high volume printing set your machines up like a class room and have more operable print stations in your space no dead center space like traditional screen printing.
Bonus: Scalable Print Stations – the beauty about Fraqtal Printing Pods is that it’s built modular which makes it scalable in all situation. You can scale up by upgrading your current Fraqtal by only adding pods or printing stations and an upgraded Q frame. You can also scale down by simply popping out a pod and placing it inside a smaller Q frame like a designer Q1 frame and taking it on the go for situations like live printing or training. This makes Fraqtal Printing Pods the most scalable screen printing setup on the market.
If you think inline screen printing is great and this print method may fit your needs Marathon Supply is proud to distribute Fraqtal Printing Pods and we are here to answer any questions you may have. Email us at hello@marathon.supply